"False Coins" of Mexico

Although these may have been used as Arras, there are no design elements that specifically relate to marriage. These may be generic "stand ins" for coins that could be used in many circumstances, including but not limited to weddings. Some of them may also be parts of pins or buttons, and not actually "tokens." I know pretty much nothing about these, if anyone knows anything, please let me know!


Hidalgo, 2 1/2 Pesos, 1921 (16 mm, brass, same image on both sides)
[This is the same design as the Mexican 2 1/2 Peso gold coin of 1918-1948, but no gold coins were made dated 1921]

Hidalgo, 2 1/2 Pesos, 1921 (16 mm, gilt brass, reverse blank)

Hidalgo, 10 Pesos, 1921 (21 mm, copper or bronze, reverse blank)
[This is the same design as the Mexican 10 Peso gold coin of 1905-1959, but no gold coins were made dated 1921]

Hidalgo/Aztec head, 2 Pesos, 1941 (14 mm, gilt white metal)

Hidalgo, 2 1/2 Pesos, 1945 (16 mm, aluminum, reverse blank with remnant of loop?)


Hidalgo/Calendar stone, no date (16 mm, white metal plated brass?)

Hidalgo/Calendar stone, no date (16 mm, brass with traces of gilt)

Calendar stone, 20 pesos, no date (15 mm, gilt brass, reverse blank)
[This is the same design as the Mexican 20 Peso gold coin of 1917-1959.]

Arc de Tromphe/Eiffel Tower (15 mm, white metal)
Note: this looks French, but I got it in a batch of Mexican tokens

Similar to 50P gold coin of 1943 (19mm, gold plated)

Similar to last, but different text on side 2, and smaller (16mm, gold plated)

Maximillian/Eagle (19mm, gold plated)
[observe is similar to Mexican silver coins of 1866-67]

Maximillian/Eagle (20mm, brass)

More Mexican "False Coins" in precious metals are shown on Mike Locke's page.

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