Information about My Token List

Tokens are listed in the following form:
text side 1 (pictures side 1)/text side 2 (pictures side 2), size, metal (notes) [catalog number] {my ID number}

tokens are round and solid (no hole) unless noted

br = brass
WM = "white metal" or "nickel brass", often nickel-brass alloy, or nickel-plated (could also be iron)
al = aluminum
cu = copper
bz = bronze (May be listed as brass or copper, when in doubt, ask. It can be tough to distinguish bronze from copper or brass, especially in older tokens.)
zn = zinc (gray or grayish white)

Sizes are given in millimeters. However, most token manufacturers use a set of standard sizes based on inch measurements (millimeter sizes are approximate):
1.000 = 25mm
0.984 = 25mm
0.900 = 23mm
0.880 = 22mm
0.800 = 20mm
(Other sizes are sometimes found, but the ones listed are by far the most common.)

In general, this works pretty well. However, in some cases the same token design has been made in both 0.900 and 0.880 sizes. These can be tough to tell apart unless you have examples of both sizes to compare. If you really want to get accurate measurements, send a note to Roger Williams Mint. If you ask nicely, they'll send you a metal token measuring gauge. It's a rectangle of metal with half-circles cut out in the various sizes. It's quite nice!

For arcade tokens, Alpert Catalog number is given in [braces] if known

For transportation tokens, Atwood catalog numbers are given in [braces]

Numbers in {brackets} are for my own use and have no special meaning (however, these are good to use when refering to specific tokens on the list).

Descriptions are often abbreviated, not all text may be given, let me know if you need more information.

The abbreviations below are commonly used:
FAO = For Amusement Only
FEC = Family Entertainment Center
FFC = Family Fun Center(s)
FRO = For Replay Only
GF = Good For
GT = Game Token
NCV = No Cash Value
NN = Non Negotiable (or Not Negotiable)
NR = Non Redeemable (or Not Redeemable, or No Refund(s))

The following are mintmarks, and appear on the token as shown:
RWM [Roger Williams Mint] became Tokens Direct sometime before 2016
HH [Hoffman & Hoffman, before 1999]
HM [Hoffman Mint, 1999 and later]
gd [Greenduck Co] (mint closed late 1999)
GDC (often appears as a monogram, with 'GD' on one line, and the 'C' below both and overlapping a bit) [also Greenduck, I think]
VB [Van Brook]
CT [Casino Tokens, Inc] (closed late 1999)
OC (usually overlapping) [Osborne coinage]
(pilgrim hat) [Roger Williams Mint]
f (small) [Franklin Mint]
TD [Tokens Direct] a division of Osborne, I have only seen one token with a TD mintmark

M (in circle) - Mississauga Mint, Ontario, I first saw this in 2017, not sure when they started
Lombardo Sherbr Q - Lombardo Mint (Canada). I haven't seen many tokens with this mintmark, and have found no info for dating it. Now (2019) part of Mississuaga Mint, not sure when that happened, or if Lombardo is still using it's own mintmark.

Note: Alpert and Smith's 1984 book on arcade tokens lists very few tokens with mintmarks, while the 1994 supplement lists many. Mints seem to have started using mintmarks sometime between these dates.

Note (HH):"Hoffman & Hoffman" changed their name to "Hoffman Mint" and seem to have started using "HM" as a mintmark in 1999, although existing dies with "HH" mintmark still seem to be in use, and a few tokens have "HH" on one side and "HM" on the other side.

Note: (RWM): On the "No Cash Value RWM" standard reverse, at first the "RWM" was always centered under "Value". Starting about 1998 I started to see designs with "RWM" over on the right side, not centered. I think that both designs are currently being used, but if you see the same token with both reverse types, the type with RWM centered is probably the older type. Likewise, any token that has the RWM over on the right under "Value" is probably from about 1998 or later.

Note (gd, GDC): The 'gd' mintmark seems to be the older style, while 'GDC' is the more recent style, but I don't have enough information to date them more exactly than that.

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