Buy American
18mm, WM
About this token:
- Deric writes: A gent on a website that I frequently visit shared a story
of finding a "Brother Can You Spare a Dime? token. He found it with some cone
top cans, 1926 coin, and some other items which suggest Depression era.
- I've seen 2 of these come up on eBay. One sold for a bit over $6, the other
was listed at $6 and got no bids, which suggests that the first one went a
bit high.
- Around 2006 I heard from a dealer near Philadelphia who was offered a lot
of several hundred of these. These may well have been made or distributed
in the PA area.
- Lack of Alaska and Hawaii on map suggests that the token is older than 1959,
but their omission could have been an artistic decision.
- Alpert & Elman list some similar items as "Depression Related Tokens"
on page 259 of "Tokens and
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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