Goetz - 5-AZ, S 15

both 21mm brass
About this token:
- telephone tokens; these were used for pay phones in Chicago bars around
the turn of the century. Many different varieties were used, so each token
had to be used at the bar where it was given out.
- The book "Tokens and Medals" by Alpert & Elman has about a
page on these tokens (p. 184-185). Nickel-sized tokens are valued at a couple
bucks, dime and quarter sized tokens are worth quite a bit more. I think I've
only ever seen the nickel-sized tokens.
- There is an article about telephone tokens, including Goetz, at http://www.webspan.net/~bobbyg/article.html
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)gmail.com
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