L.F. Schwanke
26mm, aluminum
About this token:
- LF Schwanke, Jr writes: This token was produced by my father L.F. Schwanke,
Sr for promotional purposes. Mr. Schwanke owned The Sport from the late 1940's
through the mid 1960's. He purchased it from his step father B.F.Smith in
the late 1940's. The Sport was opened by B.F.Smith in the early 1900's. (there
are also tokens made for B.F.Smith along with private label whisky labels
placed on bottles filled from barrels). The Sport was a saloon, card room
(equipped with a player piano), sporting good store and soda fountain. It
was well known in Livingston Montana for its Hamburgers and milk shakes made
from hand dipped ice cream made in the store next door, Wilcoxin's Ice Cream).
The store was sold by Mr. Schwanke and went through several hands before being
closed. It is unknown how many of the tokens were made, however, knowing my
Father and my Grand Father, I doubt they made very many.
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)gmail.com
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