Klinkner Main 403
21mm, brass
About this token:
- Alissa writes: It just so happens that I am the great-great grandaughter
of Charles Alexander Klinkner, whom has a lot of history in the Emeryville
area. Here is a website that might help you figure out some history behind
this Klinkner token.
Later, tokens started saying Moise-Klinkner as two businesses merged. There
is a whole display on my great-great-great grandfather in the Oakland Library.
- Derek writes: Hello, I am Alissa's brother. C.A.Klinkner was my grandfather's
grandfather. Recently, I have also seen some canteen tokens from the the 8th
Calvary/Spanish American War that were made by Moise-Klinkner company selling
on ebay. C.A. Klinkner was into just about everything. I wish the company
would have stayed in the family, but shortly after the S.F. earthquake, Moise
sold to a guy by the last name of Patrick. Patrick and Co. still exists today...as
I recall, it looks like a stationary store in downtown S.F. now. If you order
California license tags for your pets, they are made by Patrick and Co. these
days. The company lives on, albeit with a different owner and under a different
- This is a stock telephone token of the Moise-Klinkner die sinker of San
Francisco. Used by them to promote themselves. Listed in Kappen "California
tokens" as San Francisco #1357. There are lots of different varieties and
mules of this token.
- Cliff sent a scan of a differnent "Moise Klinkner" token with
two addresses on Market St. It advertises Klinkner as a maker of "Telephone
tokens, Red Rubber Seals, Stamps, Checks."
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)gmail.com
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