19mm, aluminum
About this token:
- I just found this token listed in Feisel's "Parking Tokens of the World"
as Quebec 3620 ZB: "This token was given in the Expo 67 parking lot to those
persons presenting an United States $1 for payment of the parking fee to compensate
for the difference in exchange rates. The token could then be used as cash
for purchases at the Fair."
- 1967 "Worlds fair" in Canada.
- Bruno writes: Your mystery token is, indeed from expo67, what you refer
to as a "world's fair". (By the way, we expophiles do not like having expo67
referred to as a "world's fair". That term was invented by Americans whose
New York expo did not meet the strict criteria of the international exposition
board in Paris. The term "world's fair" was invented to circumvent legal difficulties
with the official expo board. Expo 67 was an officially sanctioned expo.)
The reverse of the token has the same phrase in both English and French.
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)gmail.com
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