Veeder M'fg Co.
18mm, WM
About this token:
- Gavin in South Africa writes: have a round token similar to that shown,
except that the date is Oct 3 1899. There are two small pinholes on the face
near the rim opposite each other, but they don't penetrate through the token.
A closer look at the rim/edge reveals that the token is made of three very
thin steel disks laminated together, and the holes don't penetrate right through.
When the disk is attached to whatever it is meant for the holes are probably
punched right through.
- Nancy writes: I think your token came off one of there produces. I have
the same design on a machine along with the dates OCT 22 1895 and under that
AUG 16, 1911. The stamp is aprox. the size of a dime but the differance being
my counter is more square with the stamp in the center and it's still attached
to what looks like it came off the pump of a very old fire engine. like maybe
AUG 1911.
- Mike writes: I have a very similar 'plate' attached to the end of a mechanical
counter. The only difference I see is the patent date, yours looks like it
says October something, mine says Nov 5, 1907. Also, mine has no holes top
& bottom, perhaps this is a point of attachment, where the plate was 'tacked'
to the rest of the device. I attached a photo of the counter, sorry it is
not very good, my digital camera is lousy at taking closeups, but I think
it gives you an idea of the type of device mine came off would be
a handheld counter that a ballpark usher or amusement park gate keeper would
keep count of people passing by. It registers up to 9999. It maight have also
been used on an assembly line to count items passing by.
- Bob writes: I have this "token", too. Here is the best result of an internet
search that I did on Veeder Mfg:
Alpert&Smith may call it whatever, but IMHO it's an identification disc ...
therefore the 2 holes for attachment ... not anything to do with the Amusement
- This is an old amusement token, listed by Alpert&Smith as CT 350 VEE
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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