Prosit Neujahr!
23mm, aluminum
About this token:
- Dale has a page about Austrian
Good Luck tokens (follow links to other pages of Austian tokens and medals)
- Dale writes: I can't say for sure but I agree that it is an Austrian piece.
I collect Austrian good luck tokens and it looks very much like some of the
others I have. Most people call them "German Tokens" but I am convinced they
are not. I have no reference though! The Austrian mint produced good luck
token almost every year since the 1930's. Many time they feature pigs or frogs
or one of the bright red "dangerous" mushrooms, all considered to be lucky,
( and many other lucky objects as well.
- Andrew reports: I suspect it's Austrian, rather than German. It translates
as Happy New Year.
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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