22mm, zinc?
About this token:
- Ronald writes: In the book "Emergency Coins of Germany, Robert Upton, 1970",
it is listed as "Munsingen 3-5" and is made of "Brass Plated Zinc". The token
is valued at $2.50 in 1970 dollars.
- Christian writes: the text says "Kommandantur des Gefangenen-Lagers
Münsingen" (ie. Commander's Office of the Münsingen POW Camp). As Cliff
suggested, it is from WW1. http://www2.lad-bw.de/hstas/findbuecher/repertor/m_00170001_____/t4_2_9_3.htm
Münsingen is a town in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
- Cliff writes: I believe the mystery token you display titled as above is
a German prisoner of war token. Lager is German for camp, and I've seen somewhere
recently "lager" on a piece called a prisoner of war coin. And it looks like
WWI, not WWII. "Kommandatur" appears on another piece I have issued in WWI
for the occupied area of the Baltic states.
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)gmail.com
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