Amet Zogu
32mm, aluminum (anodized gold)
About this token:
- A reader pointed out that this resembles an Albanian coin. In fact, the
design is exactly like the Albania 100 Fr coin of 1927 (KR#11a.3). The only
difference is that KR#11a.3 is gold, while this item is aluminum (anodized
gold). Anyone know the origin of this item? I'm guessing that it is some form
of play money (surely nobody would counterfeit a gold coin in aluminum?).
- Another reader writes: that coin should be gold 24 carat is from albania
limited edition amet zogu king of albania made very small amount of this coin
this coin was made for his weding. if yours is aluminium please note is fake
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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