Isla de Margarita
24mm, WM
About this token:
- Sandra writes: This promotional propaganda token maybe is talking about
the jeep (car) Cherokee. A car very popular in my country, Venezuela. Isla
de Margarita is very far away from the Dominican Republic. It belongs to Venezuela.
Cherokee is not a Spanish word. The only thing I know called Cherokee in my
country, Venezuela is the Jeep Cherokee.
- Jack writes: the token came from Dominican Republic, a gaming token
- Leonardo writes: This token comes from Venezuela. I think that it is a turism
token used as a promotional propaganda. I believe it is from the 80's
- Isla Margarita is located
24 miles off the Northeast coast of Venezuela. It is a Venezuelan territory,
and with the Islands of Coche and Cubagua form the "Nueva Esparta" State.
- There are a lot of casinos on Margarita Island, but I haven't found any
that are "Cherokee"
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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