Tested and Sealed
32mm, al
About this token:
- Howard writes: The seal is proof the scale was tested and is verified accurate (TESTED & SEALED) by an Sealer (Inspector) from the State Department of Agriculture (S.D.A.) for use in the State of Oregon. The Oregon State seal is in the middle of the token.
The Oregon State Department of Agriculture (S.D.A.) was formed in 1931 and is still in existence today. From this I can conclude the token is from 1931 or later.
- Paula writes: My token has on side side "Fairfield County 1939 Dayton Stencil,
Dayton Ohio". The front looks just like yours.
- Dan writes: I suspect that this is an "Official" seal of an Ohio government
employee that had tested the accuarcy of the measuring device (gas pump, meat
scales, etc.) used in commercial trade. Here in Texas, the Licencing, Weights,
& Measures Div. of the Department of Public Safety makes periodic inspections
of such things. A decal is now used. I remember seeing these on small town
gas pumps back in the early 60s. Prior to 1935 The Texas Rairoad Commission
regulated such things. It is illegal to tamper with the adjusting device on
any measuring tool used in commercial trade. There can be severe penalties
if caught doing so. I have seen aluminum discs with two holes for riveting
it to the gas pump with the Texas seal. This one from Paulding County Ohio
tells me that the law was enforced on the county level.
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)gmail.com
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