Abberfield Industries
27mm, WM
About this token:
- Paul writes: This token is distributed by Aberfield Industries in Sydney
Aust and is used in their parking station automation, one of which is installed
at the Eldorado Cinema. The local agent is Magnetic Automation. The Eldorado
also uses a locally made token commissioned by myself which is punched out
of brass with no markings on either side as you guys keep pinching the expensive
ones. 20 cents verses One dollar something.
- Peter writes: I have a token also that is identical to the one you have.
It is used here in Brisbane, Australia as a token to operate a boom gate when
you leave the Eldorado Cinema car park.
- Paul writes: I have one of these pieces and a while ago I looked the company
"Abberfield" up and found they are Australian with branches in a few other
parts of the world including Sheffield, England. I got my piece from a dealer
in Nottingham which is about 40 miles away from Sheffield. I think this firm
did some work on payment system for the "Sheffield Supertram" but perhaps
it was their system that went in first and soon got replaced
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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