The Reading
19mm, br
About this token:
- Bob writes: P&R stand for the Philadelphia and Reading Railway. I worked
for them for six months in 1966 while going to college. Their last name was
Reading Company. The token was probably a drinking cup dispenser token. The
are similar ones for the PRR or Pennsylvania Railroad. I remember at 30th
Street Station in Philadelphia you had to put in a penny (I think) to get
a little paper cup to drink at the drinking fountain.
- John writes: This is almost surely a token from the Philadelphia & Reading
Railway in Pennsylvania. I can't remember the history of when it was merged
or otherwise acquired, probably in the 50's or 60's. It had both freight and
passenger operations, including commuter services out of Philadelphia, which
still operate, at least to some degree, under the aegis of the Southeastern
Pennsylvania Transportation (Transit?) Authority (SEPTA). As far as the token
is concerned, I have no idea how it was used, but it probably was not a fare
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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