Liquor Fund
30mm, WM
About this token:
- In the May-June 2010 issue of TAMS Journal (p. 78-79) R. D. Leonard Jr.
has a short article about these tokens (10 and 25 values illustrated). He
has some reasonable speculation about them, but unfortunately has not been
able to find any firm information.
- The 10 value is listed in the TAMS mavericks as number 10717
- Sandra writes: I also have a 10 and a 25. I have checked with two coin dealers
and neither one has ever seen one like it.
- Ron writes: Have no idea where this is from, but I have a "10" (18 mm) to
go with your "50".
- Dave also has a "10" value.
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)
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