24mm, br
About this token:
- Oct. 2006, a similar 5c token sold on eBay for $8.50 plus shipping (4 bids)
- Nov 2003, a similar 5c token showed up on eBay, with a postcard. Seller
provides this information: Feltman invented and first served this delectability
[hot dog] starting in 1871. Thereafter he built his restaurant which subsequently
turned into one of the mainstays of Coney Island. It remained open until 1946.
This token comes from that restaurant. It has been referred to as a 'waiters
token' however its actual use remains a mystery. (this 5c token sold on eBay
for $21.75, I'm not sure if that included the postcard or not)
- Nov. 2003, one of these (25c) sold on eBay for $3.25 (5 bids)
- Arnold writes: Do not have any information on the coin, but I do have a
Post Card I found in my Mother's papers and letters after she passed away
in 1995.
- Mark writes: Yeah, Feltman's was an arcade in Coney Island, when I remember
in the sixties. Don't know if they're still there.
- Ron writes: In the 1940's and 50's my Dad was stationed at the Brooklyn
Navy Yard. On some weekends we went to Coney Island and I remember Feltman's
Restaurant (it was closed in 1963... "Astroland" was built on that spot).
Feltmans Restaurant did not have an arcade. See: http://www.forgotten-ny.com/STREET%20SCENES/Coney/coney.html
(near bottom)
Know anything about this token? Please send me a note: pineconeforge(at)gmail.com
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